CELI - Language Technology develops Natural Language Processing and Data Science solutions since 1999: multilingual text mining, semantic search, conversational interfaces, predictive analytics, and other NLP services. Our clients are located in Europe, South Korea and the USA. We are active on different industries, e.g. public administration, ICT, automotive, cultural heritage, communication, health, financial services. Our systems support about 20 languages. The company is a member of the Italian Association for Computational Linguistics (AILC) and the Italian Association for Digital Humanities (AIUCD). We have collaborated with universities and research institutes from the beginning.

Recent EU R&I projects:

H2020 SPICE “Social Participation and Inclusion through Cultural Engagement” (2020-2023)

NGI-Trust AnonymAI: “Legally Compliant Text and Voice Anonymization through Artificial Intelligence” (2020-2021)

H-2020 I-REACT “Improving Resilience to Emergencies through Advanced Cyber Technologies” (2016-2019)

Here you can find a list of scientific papers.

CELI is part of the H-FARM group.