The Gutenberg Dialogue Dataset

Richard Csaky, Gábor Recski

Dialogue and Interactive Systems Long paper Paper

Gather-3B: Apr 23, Gather-3B: Apr 23 (13:00-15:00 UTC) [Join Gather Meeting]

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Abstract: Large datasets are essential for neural modeling of many NLP tasks. Current publicly available open-domain dialogue datasets offer a trade-off between quality (e.g., DailyDialog) and size (e.g., Opensubtitles). We narrow this gap by building a high-quality dataset of 14.8M utterances in English, and smaller datasets in German, Dutch, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, and Hungarian. We extract and process dialogues from public-domain books made available by Project Gutenberg. We describe our dialogue extraction pipeline, analyze the effects of the various heuristics used, and present an error analysis of extracted dialogues. Finally, we conduct experiments showing that better response quality can be achieved in zero-shot and finetuning settings by training on our data than on the larger but much noisier Opensubtitles dataset. Our open-source pipeline ( can be extended to further languages with little additional effort. Researchers can also build their versions of existing datasets by adjusting various trade-off parameters.
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