"Killing Me" Is Not a Spoiler: Spoiler Detection Model using Graph Neural Networks with Dependency Relation-Aware Attention Mechanism

Buru Chang, Inggeol Lee, Hyunjae Kim, Jaewoo Kang

Information Extraction and Text Mining Short paper Paper

Gather-3A: Apr 23, Gather-3A: Apr 23 (13:00-15:00 UTC) [Join Gather Meeting]

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Abstract: Several machine learning-based spoiler detection models have been proposed recently to protect users from spoilers on review websites. Although dependency relations between context words are important for detecting spoilers, current attention-based spoiler detection models are insufficient for utilizing dependency relations. To address this problem, we propose a new spoiler detection model called SDGNN that is based on syntax-aware graph neural networks. In the experiments on two real-world benchmark datasets, we show that our SDGNN outperforms the existing spoiler detection models.
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