Finite-state script normalization and processing utilities: The Nisaba Brahmic library

Cibu Johny, Lawrence Wolf-Sonkin, Alexander Gutkin, Brian Roark

Demo Paper

Gather-1F: Apr 21, Gather-1F: Apr 21 (13:00-15:00 UTC) [Join Gather Meeting]

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Abstract: This paper presents an open-source library for efficient low-level processing of ten major South Asian Brahmic scripts. The library provides a flexible and extensible framework for supporting crucial operations on Brahmic scripts, such as NFC, visual normalization, reversible transliteration, and validity checks, implemented in Python within a finite-state transducer formalism. We survey some common Brahmic script issues that may adversely affect the performance of downstream NLP tasks, and provide the rationale for finite-state design and system implementation details.
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