A New Surprise Measure for Extracting Interesting Relationships between Persons

Hidetaka Kamigaito, Jingun Kwon, Young-In Song, Manabu Okumura

Demo Paper

Gather-2E: Apr 22, Gather-2E: Apr 22 (13:00-15:00 UTC) [Join Gather Meeting]

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Abstract: One way to enhance user engagement in search engines is to suggest interesting facts to the user. Although relationships between persons are important as a target for text mining, there are few effective approaches for extracting the interesting relationships between persons. We therefore propose a method for extracting interesting relationships between persons from natural language texts by focusing on their surprisingness. Our method first extracts all personal relationships from dependency trees for the texts and then calculates surprise scores for distributed representations of the extracted relationships in an unsupervised manner. The unique point of our method is that it does not require any labeled dataset with annotation for the surprising personal relationships. The results of the human evaluation show that the proposed method could extract more interesting relationships between persons from Japanese Wikipedia articles than a popularity-based baseline method. We demonstrate our proposed method as a chrome plugin on google search.
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